Snapchat is gaining rapid traction thanks to its unique messaging format and user interface. What’s special about this social media platform is the use of abbreviations and anecdotes. Instead of speaking in complete sentences, most users (Gen-Z primarily) find using abbreviations much more accessible.
So, not only do you get to have fun talking to your friends and family on Snapchat, you get to maintain streaks, protect your data, and exchange ephemeral content. However, being a beginner on this platform can be challenging, especially if you don’t know what you are doing.
WYO is a famous Snapchat lingo that’s commonly used during conversations. If all of this sounds foreign to you, we have sorted out all the essential details about the same in this article.
WYO” Meaning and Definition
If you are confused about WYO, the abbreviation translates to “What You On.” It has a lot of similarities to WYD, which means “What are you doing?”.
In both cases, the phrase is used to find out what the other person is up to or what their plans are at the moment. When you send WYO to someone on Snapchat, it is likely asking them something like, “Are you free? Want to hang out?”
Besides that, WYO is also a great way to plan things among friends, especially if you have an upcoming trip or vacation along the road.
The intention of Use:
WYO has multiple uses and in different scenarios, including:
- Asking someone about their plans
- Asking someone what they are doing at the moment
- Asking someone if they want to hang out
P.S: When you send WYO as a greeting after catching up with someone after a long time, it can also translate to something along the lines of, “How have you been? What are you up to now?”
Origination of “WYO”
Like most social media vocabulary you come across online, even WYO doesn’t have a definite origin.
It is almost like, “My friend used it one day while talking to me, and I have been using it since it sounds cool,” kind of a situation.
However, we know that the acronym dates back to 2015 when Snapchat was at its peak. With more and more people shifting to Snapchat for conversing with people, it wasn’t even surprising that more such abbreviations came into play.
What does WYO mean on Snapchat?
The meaning of WYO in texting is the same as that on Snapchat. So, sending someone a standard message saying, “WYO?” and sending the same thing to someone on Snapchat will mean the same thing.
Although it is commonly used as a greeting or for asking people if they want to hang out, there is another way to interpret the phrase.
In rare cases, “What are you on?” can also be used when someone is talking nonsense. So, when you say “What are you on?” to them, you ask them if they are out of their mind to say things they are saying at that moment.
However, in general, and on Snapchat, if someone sends you WYO? It generally means they want to catch up or ask about your plans for the day. So, if you need clarification about how to reply, we hope this clears up the confusion.
How To Use WYO in Conversation?
If you are having a conversation and want to use WYO, especially on Snapchat, there are multiple ways of doing that.
Following are the tried and tested methods to use WYO in a conversation:
1. Using Cameos
If you want to send someone outrageous to your friends on Snapchat, Cameo is a great tool. It superimposes your face with animation, making it look realistic and funny. You can then type WYO or send that later after sending the cameo. It is a fun and unique way to learn about your friend’s whereabouts and hang out with them.
2. Stickers
Given how popular abbreviations are on Snapchat, it isn’t surprising that stickers are an indispensable part of a conversation. There is a rich collection of stickers in a conversation. For easy accessibility, search with WYO in the sticker library, and you should find the ones you like.
3. Text
For the old schoolers who don’t want to jazz things up, you can send your friends a direct text on Snapchat with WYO. You must type “WYO” and then send it to the intended Snapchat friend. It’s effective if you are somewhere with a slow network and can’t access elaborate features like Cameo and Stickers.
Where is WYO used?
WYO is a common texting lingo used on Snapchat. It is used in different scenarios, but we’ll sort out the top three situations for you:
As a greeting: How have you been? How’s life been going on?
As a check-in: What are you up to now? Want to hang out if you are free?
To stop someone from speaking out of their mind: What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?
These are the top three situations where you can use WYO. However, the context and the tone of the message should give away how you should reply to that text.
Some Other Acronyms Similar To WYO
WYO isn’t the first or the only acronym used on Snapchat. Most of the Snapchat conversations among Gen-Z users happen in abbreviations. If you are a bit confused, let us familiarize you with a few common acronyms similar to WYO.
We have already talked about WYD, which is very common and similar to WYO in terms of context. So, let us walk you through a few different ones.
1. LMK
This one is simple and stands for “Let me Know.” So, let’s say you asked someone what they are doing and then sent them LMK. It means you are asking the recipient to let you know what they are up to so you can plan. Besides that, you can use LMK to ask for other people’s opinions on a subject.
2. DYK
This stands for “Did you know?” This acronym often makes the rounds when sharing gossip with friends or family. Sending “DYK” is asking someone in shock whether they knew about the situation. Besides that, it is also easy to check whether someone knows the news around them.
3. MK
It can be confusing, but MK stands for “Mmm, Ok.” You can reply with MK when you are disinterested in something or agree with something but don’t want to prolong the conversation.
If your friend missed a text or a snap you sent them, ICYMI is a reminder saying, “I see you missed it.”
5. SCB
SCB is a message of urgency that you send to a friend who you want to Snapchat you back immediately.
WYO is a reasonably common acronym on Snapchat and the texting world. If you were confused and had little idea, we hope this article clears it out for you. The only thing you have to pay attention to is using these acronyms in the correct context. The last thing you want is to make things awkward during a conversation.
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