If you like to get stoned and post a lot about it on Snapchat for your friends, why not make your username a creative one which fits your personality? If you are looking for fun, innovative usernames which will have your friends in splits, you have come to the right place.

In this article, we have compiled a list of over 200 of the best stoner usernames just for you. Read on to find your perfect fit!
200+ Stoner Private Story Names For Snapchat
Potheads Stoner Private Story Names For Boys
- SpaceCowboy
- WeedasaurusRex
- SuperDoper
- HashPuppy
- RollingStoner
- WeedieWoodie
- WeedWala
- PureHero
- WeedHead
- Junkie_Pam
- BlowerGuy
- Dank Sinatra
- HerbalistHere
- Hierberos
- TheDude
- StonerIdeas
- GanjaPhook
- EnlightenedFreak
- Weedpreneurs
- Stoners
- CannabisseurFilm
- HRHroo
- BrianJohnson
- Potthead
- RooBoo
- RedEye
- Pothead_Life
- ZooieWack
- CarlTheGardner
- CheechAndChong
- GanjapreneurSC
- FlyersOfWeed
- SpaceCadet
- Weedheaders
- Smooker Pad
- RastaMan
- Sprangas
- SmokerCity
- CaramelizedGinger
- BlastasaurusBuddy
- FlameBroiledChicken
- HippieSippie
- Roller_Coaster
- BongBuddy
- PufferPan
Also Read: Snapchat Plus Planets.
Potheads Stoner Private Story Names For Girls
- MaeMeri
- Tommy’s Girl
- Cedella
- NancyForEveryone
- Janis for You
- Gaia
- Malika Moo
- MeryQueen
- PaigeHere
- OwlFace Girl
- Cinderella
- Marley
- maroquin
- Nancy for everyone
- Tommy girl
- Sydal
- Paige here
- PowerPuffGirl
- Harley Rome
- sativa
- Kaya_Lara
- SpliffQueen
- AirHeadGirl
- Juanita_
- MaryJane
- Roney’s Girl
- MakedaMush
- Baked and Beautiful
- Green-Eyed Dreams
- The Mellow Odyssey
- Mary Jane Memoirs
- Stoned Sisterhood
- Herb-Infused Herstories
- Reefer Reflections
- Smoky Soliloquies
- High-Heeled Histories
- Dank Diary Dames
- Grass-Tinted Glasses Girls
- SmokeyEyes
- GreenIsTheNewBlack
- HighGoddess
- SmokinSiren
- GanjaGoddess
- DankDuchess
- BlazeBabe
Also Read: What Does WYO Mean on Snapchat?
Funny Names For Weed

- 2 Long
- 420
- Ace
- Asparagus
- Astro turf
- Aunt Mary
- Bag of bones
- Bamba
- Bhang
- Blaze
- Bud
- Butter flower
- Canon
- Cabbage
- Devil’s lettuce
- Dank
- Doobie
- Dope
- Fine stuff
- Ganja
- God’s herb
- Grass
- Green
- Happy cigarette
- Hashish
- Herb
- Indian boy
- Joint
- Kush
- Oregano
- Pot
- Roach
- Rose marie
- Wisdom weed
- ZaZa
Also Read: 5 Best Chat Rooms to Make Friends Online.
Creative Weed Private Story Names
- High Society
- The Green Room
- Puff Pals
- Ganja Gang
- Dank Diaries
- Mary Jane’s Memoirs
- Chronic Chronicles
- The Stoner Squad
- THC Tribe
- The Bud Bunch
- The Smoke Circle
- The Kush Klub
- Joint Ventures
- The Weed Wagon
- Lit and Lifted
- The Herbivores
- Blaze Brigade
- The Reefer Crew
- High Huddle
- The Treehouse
- BushDoctors
- WeedBros
- BakersTown
- BlazeTown
- LightItUp
Funny Weed Private Story Names
- Smoky Sessions
- Joint Journal
- Burning Chronicles
- Toke Tales
- Pipe Dreams
- Bong Beauties
- Hazy Histories
- Rolling Recollections
- Smoldering Stories
- Ash-Covered Adventures
- Smooker Pad
- Poheads_Divine
- WeedMowers
- SmokerCentral
- Yes_We_Cannabis
- StonerOfTheRings
- The Stickiest of the Icky
- HigherThanTheEmpireState
- FlyAsFudge
- ZazaParty
Good Weed Private Story Names
- Green Gatherings
- Elevated Escapades
- High-Minded Histories
- Intoxicating Tales
- Euphoric Episodes
- Enlightened Adventures
- Inspired Chronicles
- Transcendent Travelogues
- Illuminated Journeys
- Uplifting Odyssey
- Gas Peddlers
- Furious Lighters
- WeedLock
- Minne-Stoner
- Meet Da Flintstoners
Top Weed Private Story Names
- BongBros
- HippieSippie
- Smokie_McPot
- IronLungs
- LettuceHead
- Roacher
- LaughingHyena
- BongRat
- AirFried
- Professional420Enjoyer
- HolySmokes
- Zooters
- PuffTheMagicDragon
- BakedBread
- BudBaller
- GreenGoddess
- Zoo-Wee-Mama
- Doña Juanita
- DeepWeed
- LetsWeed
- 50 Shades of Weed
- WeedPanda
- Last of Weed
- Weedly
- Do Not Weed
- WeedBros
- Cross without Weed
- Nobdoy Wedy
- RiaWoda
- RehashRepeat
- Lord_Of_The_Weed
- PerpetuallyStoned
Also Read: 200+ Cool Usernames For Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit
Final Thoughts
We hope that we helped you find a perfect username for Snapchat’s private story feature. You can choose from the 200+ usernames we have provided or also create your own with any combination of two names, the world is your oyster. Not feeling creative enough? Why not hit that ZaZa? Happy 420!