Cut a hole in a watermelon and put a bottle of vodka in the hole. When the bottle is completely empty, leave the watermelon to cool in the refrigerator overnight. Also rotate the watermelon periodically to improve the taste. Now it’s time for you to treat yourself to a fruity cocktail!

Having a rough day at the office? Would you like to cool off with a cold beer? Here’s a million-dollar idea: Cut off the bottom and lid of a coke can, cut a slit along the side, and slide it onto the beer. Now you’re in beer heaven!

Are you challenged to drink a beer so quickly, but you don’t want to deal with the problems of gulping? Use a flexible straw and bend around it in the mouth of the beer bottle; now you can drink a beer without spilling it over your face.

Take a syringe and inject some strong alcohol into an orange. Let the alcohol dissolve and then enjoy a cocktail.

Winter can sometimes be terrible, maybe you feel like having a warm beer, right? Here is the tip to get it warm quickly. Get the bottle wet, cover it with salt, wrap it in a paper towel and put it in the fridge for about 10 minutes.

If you are planning a cruise to Cannes, then you already know the cost of a shot in the Cruise Bar. So, let’s save some money here: fill the mouthwash bottle with vodka and add some color ingredients; nobody will notice the difference.

Here is the best hack for your hot barbecue summer: Throw a few cups of water in the freezer to keep them ready on demand. Once you have poured yourself a pitcher of beer, take a frozen cup of water and let it float on top. Now you don’t have to worry about your beer being watered down.

Have you ever noticed the handy lines on Red Solo cups? They’re just to show you the perfect pouring measurement of the beer.

The right mixture of water and whiskey is the perfect way to refuel the body. Sometimes it is difficult to find the right mixture of whiskey. So here is a glass (Whiskey Wedge) with the right amount of water in it that maintains the right temperature without being diluted.

If you are on a camping trip with your spouse and do not have a cooler, here is the best way to cool the beer: slip individual cans or bottles into socks to keep them insulated and thus cold.

You have a warm case of wine and still want to drink it? Freeze some grapes to obtain a natural ice cube that will not dilute your wine.

Are you at a boring event that makes you want to cry? Let’s cool off a bit: smuggle liquor into a loaf of bread with a little hole in it. It’s the perfect way to get drunk all day.

Fancy a less painful hangover in the morning? Filter the cheapest vodka with a water filter and then drink it. It may not improve the taste, but it will help you in the morning.