“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge? We shouldn’t marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society.”
Pope Francis

Photo Courtesy: AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia/buzzfeed
If humanity had more leaders like him, in all areas of life, the world would be a better place. With a positive rating of 88% and worldwide praise across the faith, Pope Francis has become a leader with extraordinary abilities to lead the world. As a diplomat, he worked to restore relations between the United States of America and Cuba. He chooses people over protocols and love over security: he introduces himself as “Sono Papa Francesco”, which means “I am Pope Francis” to his fans or to anyone he meets.
From nightclub bouncer to Pope: Before becoming Pope, he worked as a nightclub bouncer and chemical engineer like any other ordinary man; Pope Francis is a novelty in many ways. He is the first Latin American Pontiff, the first Jesuit, the first Francis – and the first non-European in 1,272 years, CNN, March 14, 2013

Photo Courtesy: AP/The Daily Mail
Humane lifestyle: An informal approach to the Papacy, modesty and living in a guesthouse instead of a palace are some of his trademarks. He prefers simplicity to traditional aristocratic lifestyles and symbolism. The Pope’s trademark is mercy, and he always emphasizes the message of mercy towards the poor and less privileged. His commitment to mercy for the resolution of complex conflicts, his pro-poor approach and his commitment to inter-religious dialogue distinguish him from his predecessors.
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
John Maxwell
Mercy to the environment: He does not advocate or support uncontrolled capitalism. He is against global warming.
“Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.”
Harry S. Truman
His intervention is timely: When the world urgently needed a leader during the Syrian refugee crisis, the Pope stepped forward and appealed to the churches to open their doors to the refugees. His policy is pro-immigrant.
His leadership style is motivating: he develops a community of love, inspired by his actions and the conviction that love and compassion will triumph over hate and war. That is why people have accepted him with all their hearts. Believers of other faiths follow him voluntarily.
He advocates inter-religious dialogue: He is an optimist and desires a future free of inter-religious and sectarian conflict; bringing together people of different faiths with a common goal: to make the world a better place.

Photo Courtesy: Osservatore Romano / Reuters/Buzzfeed
He is accessible for normal people and prefers to travel by bus rather than in a limousine. On his recent visit to America, he drove in Fiat, an ordinary car. His idea of an open and welcoming church resonates with the time when the world is becoming a global village and everything is connected to the Internet. He understands the importance of instant communication in the information age and makes himself personally available via social media and tweets. He has a huge fanbase that follows on Twitter.

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