Everyone wants to have a perfect smile, but not everyone is prepared to make all the necessary efforts to achieve it. Not all of us are blessed with straight teeth, so many people need to wear braces or source some clear braces online if they want to impress with a glamorous smile.
The most unpleasant thing about these orthodontic appliances is their appearance. Nobody likes to appear in public with “metallic teeth“, and the situation is even more difficult when you are a child or teenager. One of the reasons why people refuse braces is the idea that the device can ruin your social life.
Fortunately we have some good news. Recently we discovered that people who have to wear braces in North Calgary have a cool alternative – the Invisalign device. Unlike metal orthodontic treatment, this option can be removed while eating and brushing teeth. In addition, the removable trays are transparent, so people can hardly notice that you need a little help to get a charming smile.
Invisalign is effective and safe, as long as you follow your doctor’s recommendations

As easy as it may seem to administer a device like Invisalign, you need to maintain strict oral hygiene when wearing such a device. You will also need to make appointments with your doctor more often than before the braces are fitted. Remember to stay disciplined and stick to the treatment plan if you want to get the most out of Invisalign!
Invisalign Braces are Effective and Safe
You can remove the braces while eating and brushing. Ideal oral hygiene means brushing your teeth and flossing after every meal and drink. This means that you must take your toothbrush with you wherever you go. If you don’t have this option, at least rinse your mouth out every time you finish eating or drinking.
For maximum effect, you must leave the appliance on for at least 22 hours. This means that meals and hygiene moments are the only time you can take the appliance off.
Experts advise those who wear Invisalign to have their teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. This procedure can only be carried out in your dental surgery, so make sure you take the appropriate precautions.
Try to keep the braces in a sterile environment and in compliance with all cleaning and disinfection instructions mentioned by your doctor. You do not want any bacteria to get into your mouth and cause trouble!
Last but not least, it is better to avoid using lipstick or lip gloss while wearing Invisalign braces. It is inevitable that these cosmetics end up on the removable braces and people will definitely realise that there is a problem with your teeth.
In the end, the most important thing is to stick to the treatment plan and the recommendations of your doctor. Invisalign will serve its purpose and you will have the smile you have always dreamed of. This clear aligner is safe and effective, and is up there with some of the best clear aligners on the market right now. To learn more about other clear aligner options alongside Invisalign, click here and read Clear Aligner Hub’s top 4 picks.