Communication is no longer as it was in the Stone Age, when cavemen drew on walls to convey messages. Nowadays we don’t even need to sit at a computer or write on a notepad to send a message, because all this can be done by tapping our phones. Communication is simple and efficient. We need to use it wisely, we need to learn when messages are best sent, and we need to know what is happening with communications technology. It is the Internet, and it is changing people’s lives today.
4 Ways Internet is Changing People Lives
1. We Are More Connected Than Ever
Social media is an important means of communication. Whether you use it for business or personal use, if you want your message to reach the most people, knowing the best time to post on Instagram on Sunday can really help. More than 1.1 billion people around the world use the Internet. You may not be able to reach that many with one post, but if you can engage with just a tiny percent of them, you’ve won.

Peak engagement is between 9 am and 6 pm on weekdays. Many people check their phones when they wake up and go to bed. During the week, the peak engagement times include normal business hours and 11 am to 4 pm. On weekends, most people check their phones on Saturdays at 11 am and Sundays from 10 am to 2 pm.
The good news is that social media is never closed. This means that there is always news in circulation. If you want to reach a specific target audience, you need to post at peak times. If you want to reach a general audience, there is no right or wrong time to post.
2. Shop From Anywhere
Brick and mortar shops have difficulty keeping up with online technology. Clicking on a button to buy items seems to be much easier for consumers than driving to a store and wandering around for hours. Online reports showed that in 2018, 10% of all retail sales were made online. This figure is increasing year by year. Online retailers often offer consumers special discounts and even free shipping so they can click on their item.

Brick and mortar stores can use social media to get their message across to those who like to shop with one click but are still leading consumers to their website rather than the store itself. Consumers tend to appreciate the convenience of technology where they don’t have to go to great lengths to get their goods.
3. Learning And Making Money Has Become Easier
Technology is changing the way we do business and approach education. Instead of presentations on a whiteboard, companies are using online resources to get their message across. Anything can be done on a screen to spread it throughout the business world.

All the paperwork can be done online, which means there is a smaller carbon footprint. This is only the tip of the iceberg, as most companies are moving their entire structures to technology. More money can be made faster and more efficiently using technology. Education is evolving from the old days of blackboards to the new days of screens. Educators use tablets and iPads to connect with students and parents.
4. Engaged Social Connection
For most people, calling a friend on the phone is not as easy as sending a short text. Messages on social networks are sent at lightning speed, sharing a thought or a post for the moment. It’s important to think before sending because technology is not as forgiving as grabbing the misplaced letter out of the mailbox.

Technology must be used online not only for personal thoughts and images. Many people also use their social media for sponsorship. This means that they post something with a paid sponsorship to spread their word or posting along with a little extra income. The company also reaps rewards. The next generation may never know how to use a pen and paper to write to a new pen pal on the other side of the world. They can find whoever they want through social media and send direct messages. It’s up to each person to decide how to use this magical tool.
The technology of communication is constantly growing and changing. There is always something new on the horizon. Keeping up with this new world of ever-changing technology is a daily challenge.