If you receive an error 0x80040154 on your computer, this can be because of two potential reasons. One reason could be a configuration error in Outlook and the other reason could be a missing ATL70.dll file on your Windows. Let us investigate each of the problems and get things back on track.

Error 0x80040154 due to Outlook Overloading
Microsoft Outlook tends to be one of the most widely used email clients. Since you can manage your entire e-mail account in a single location, you may find that you overload Outlook with the consistent accumulation of data. If it is overloaded, you may receive the error message 0x80040154 when you try to run an Outlook application. The reason for this fatal error is an error in the configuration and setup of Outlook.
Firstly, let’s do things manually and try to resolve this problem in the old fashioned way. Follow these steps to help yourself with the error 0x80040154.
- Click ‘Start’ and go to ‘Run’, and type “RegSvr32 Inetcomm.dll”.
- Restart your computer in Safe Mode with Network by pressing F8 directly after the computer starts up.
- Open Outlook and see if it works.
If the problem has been resolved, it could be that a virus is causing the issue. If you’ve recently installed any new software, try uninstalling them, and then restart again. The most important thing in this case is to make sure your antivirus software is up to date.
If these steps didn’t solve the issue, try the following:
- Back up your emails and settings from your current Outlook profile.
- Remove/delete your Outlook profile.
- Go to Start > Control Panel > Mail > Profiles.
- Add a new profile and make it the default.
- Open the new profile and check that it works before importing all of your old data.
If this still doesn’t work, there’s a third option:
- Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove > Outlook > Uninstall/Repair
- Go through the repair process as prompted, then reopen Outlook.
If your problem is persisting, try the following:
- Uninstall Outlook (this will NOT delete your mail and personal folders)
- Go to “C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\” and remove the trace of Outlook on the system.
- Reinstall Outlook
If none of the above methods works, try an automated tool, like the one on wisefixer.com.
Reason for Error 0x80040154
The main problem for this error is probably damaged files in the Outlook program. By fixing these errors, you can resolve the problem in Windows.
The following video will help you further, if the instructions above are unclear.