Black cumin oil can be useful in all matters of health and wellness. Despite the low level of awareness of this oil, the scientific community is actively seeking its benefits for health and well-being, for home use, and for medical applications. It can be used for simple illnesses and also for individual problems ranging from fungal infections or flatulence to more serious infections and problems such as cancer and tumors.
Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil
1. Acne
Although black cumin oil could be applied directly to the skin, this can cause irritability and sometimes muscle cramps. So play it safe and use this remedy for acne:
Put 10 drops of black cumin oil in 2 litres of boiling water. The steam from this water contains volatile elements of black cumin oil, which are beneficial for skin damaged by acne. Take the steam from this combination and hold a towel over your face. Keep your eyes closed. After about 5 minutes, remove the frying pan and wipe your face with a clean towel. It is important that the towel is always clean.

Black cumin oil has strong antibacterial properties. It kills the bacteria that cause acne while the steam opens the pores.
2. Hair Loss
Black cumin oil can support the regrowth of hair on bald areas of the scalp. Absorb black cumin oil in a ratio of 1:1 in olive oil. Rub this oil heavily on bald areas. Wash it with water after about 30 minutes.
3. Hair Health and Wellness
For much better scalp and hair health, black cumin oil can be applied to the scalp in low concentration. Work the black cumin oil into some coconut oil in a ratio of 1:2 and massage it into the hair. Wash after thirty minutes. This therapy protects the hair from hair loss and also makes the hair look hydrated.
4. Toothache
Black cumin oil is an analgesic. It can be applied undiluted with a cotton ball to a tooth that causes discomfort. This relieves the pain. If that doesn’t help much, try clove oil, which is essential for effective pain relief for toothache.
5. Frustration
Apply a really small amount of black seed oil to a handkerchief. Keep this tissue with you and smell it from time to time. The scent of black cumin oil will remove any frustration.
6. Asthma
For this, you need a vaporizer. Add a few drops of black seed oil to the vaporizer. Let its fragrance diffuse in your house. Keep the asthma patient in this air. It promotes breathing, dilates the bronchi, and also protects against bronchial cramps. Drink coffee all the time to get some relief from bronchial asthma. This treatment at home could ward off the threat of a bronchial asthma attack.
7. Allergic Reactions
This is a famous effect of black cumin oil. It can reduce or attenuate an allergy. So if you do not like something in spring, start taking black seed oil a few days in advance. This can stop the allergic signs and symptoms such as sneezing, nausea, red eyes, burning, and even tears from the nose and eyes.
Add one teaspoon of black seed oil to milk, smoothie mix, drinks, or any other beverage. The best way to take it would be to consume it in concentrated lemon juice, which effectively conceals the taste but not the aroma. Do this twice a day.
8. Fever
Add 8 – 10 drops of black cumin oil to half a liter of water in a spray container. Spray this water over your whole body. This has a fever-reducing and also a cooling effect, which relieves the fever.
9. Anti-Bacterial Nature
Black cumin oil can fight many strains of bacteria. In the case of airborne germs, it must be distributed in the air by means of a vaporizer. If the smell is too strong, mask it with more pleasant oils like lavender. If there is a bacterial infection inside your body, you should add a few drops of black cumin oil. For skin infections, use it weakened in a carrier oil, preferably olive, coconut or rapeseed oil.