We have all fallen in love with someone and been loved by them for no other reason than because of our true nature. But things change over time and love becomes something that we might no longer be able to understand. So let’s talk about 5 types of guys that girls fall in love with easily.
“Love is a beautiful thing when you share it with the right person.”
Types Of Guys For Whom Girls Easily Fall
1) The First Love
First love is commonly called “The High School Sweetheart”. First love is probably the first guy you’ll ever kiss like that. He’s most likely doing sports and wearing a tracksuit top. He gives you his class ring (which is a bit big for you, so you like to wrap yarn around it and wear it as a symbol of honor).

2) The One That Could Have Been
Maybe you met him when one of you was already in a relationship. Maybe every time you got closer, work, life, or something else completely unexpected happened between you. Maybe it was simply God who was looking out for you, for He knows that you both glowed too brightly together to ever hold a long-lasting spark.
Maybe in another life, you were perfect for each other… but just not in this one.
Best-selling author Liz Gilbert describes in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ how a soul mate should be:
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.
A true soulmate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soulmates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.”
3) The Bad Boy
This one could probably steal your heart in your early twenties, in those days when you are trying to understand who you are and who you want to be. You may think that you can change this bad boy, but you cannot. (And inwardly you will not wish for him to change, because if you do, he will no longer be the one who stole your heart). He will make you cry a lot but he will make you smile a lot more. Underneath it all, you imagine that he has a golden heart – and he probably does – but it will take years and several girls after you to reveal it.
4) The One That Got Away
This guy will look perfect – and on the inside, you think he is. He’ll talk about all the good things, do all the good things, and be an exact replica of all the things you ever expected to want… except you immediately wonder if you’re ready for that kind of perfection. And you may not be. Only God and life know when you’re ready. So, even though ‘The One That Got Away’ gives you everything you wished for, he gives you nothing that you know you actually need. And what you want is more time. Maybe time to date other types of guys who like you but won’t love you, or not to date at all and just find out who you are.
5) The One
Most of us haven’t met this guy. I would imagine he’s a combination of the previous four. I like to imagine that he is steadfast and sweet like the First Love, challenging and passionate like The One That Could Have Been, a little rough and wild and close to the edge like The Bad Boy, and with a heart for trust and for a life together like The One That Got Away. I wish him to be all of them and none of them, all at the same time. I wish him to personify this list and not just erase it… he uses the broken pieces of my heart and gently reforms it from each one of them like an eraser.