Whether it be a kid’s birthday party or a thirty-but-flirty soiree with friends, party favors usually end up as trash.
You know what I’m talking about. The loot bags kids get from a classmate’s party? They’d eat all the candy and end up with a bag full of trash. How about the paper trumpets you blew to your heart’s content during a bachelorette party? They’re probably tossed in the bin after the night’s over.
So should you scrap the whole giveaway idea? Not really. It turns out you can still create awesome party favors without creating as much waste.
Check out these five zero-waste party favor ideas you can try on your next big event.
5 Minimum Waste Party Favor Ideas

1. Loot bag ideas
Forget about giving your child’s guests candy and plastic toys that they’ll just forget after five minutes. Think out of the box! There are more items kids will be interested with that don’t suffocate the planet later on.
Toss away the candy and give out small toys. Making your own homemade Play-Doh as a children’s birthday giveaway is an excellent idea. But you can also explore other toys to include, such as LEGOs, wooden yo-yos, glass marbles, wooden blocks, hacky sacks, and many more.
Art materials make great loot bag treasures too. But instead of buying new ones, you can melt broken ones together and mold them into multicolored shapes. Another art idea is to stitch together blank pages of notebooks or coloring books and convert them into new notebooks or sketch pads.
2. Gifts from nature
Give back to Mother Earth by giving away pieces of nature as party favors. A wedding favor that has been trending these days is tiny succulents. They’re cute, easy to care for, and easy to bring home — and that’s all guests really look for when deciding on keeping a party favor. Just make sure the succulents are in biodegradable planters to maintain your less-waste principle.
Other nature-themed favors you can try are seed packets. You can bundle them up with cardboard pots where guests can plant the seeds. These make great party favors, even for children’s birthdays, as it teaches kids to show concern for the planet early on.
3. Reusable stuff
Ever wonder why you don’t see your friends and family use your previous party favors? That’s because they serve them no purpose.

You can maintain a zero-waste lifestyle by handing out reusable party favors. For example, you may plan to give away homemade peanut butter. Instead of putting them inside plastic jars, you can place them in mason jars, which guests can reuse once the peanut butter is all gone.
Another example is to hand out reusable BPA-free water bottles before the party starts so guests can use them to drink and refill water. They conveniently double as glasses and party favors too.
4. Paper balloons
You can’t miss seeing balloons at every party — not just for children. Balloons double as backdrop decors and giveaways during a children’s party. Kids love taking one home right after a birthday celebration.
But the more we use plastic balloons, the more we’re adding up to the earth’s mounds and mounds of trash. In place of plastic balloons, why not explore the paper ones?
Yup, paper balloons exist. You can Google online stores that sell cute Japanese balloon animals and other adorable party favors at a low price. They’re economical, environment-friendly, and not to mention, unique, making them a must-try party favor to add to your list.
5. Personalized tins
If you want to go the extra mile, have some personalized tins made. Tin cans are reusable by both kids and adults. You can have your guests’ names embossed or printed on the tin cover, depending on the party you’re planning. Then you can fill them up with homemade cookies or cupcakes to give away as treats.
Since they have their names on them, guests just can’t discard their tin cans right after use. Instead, the personal touch will encourage them to reuse them instead.
Creativity is your limit. When you know where to look, and you unleash the creative within you, going zero waste with party favors is definitely achievable. In the end, your guests will not only appreciate their unique gifts. You’ll also gain a sense of fulfillment that no plastic can give.