You may have been involved with her for a long time. But it is never too late to realise that she is not the right one for you. If you are seeing the following signs, you will probably have to end the relationship.
10 Signs That She’s Not The One For You
1. Your friends don’t get on with her.
Differences of opinion may arise. But if your friends hate her deeply, it is a sign that she is not the right choice.

2. You find it difficult to sit and talk to her for long periods of time
If you talk, after some time it becomes boring, or there is an uncomfortable silence, or heated arguments arise.

3.You are always the one who tries to communicate first.
If you are in love, it does not matter who makes plans or who makes contact first. But if it’s you every time, you have a serious misconception about love.

4. You think about other women too often.
It is a human tendency to think about situations as if there was another person in your life. But if you get such thoughts very often, that is a warning sign.
5. The thought of settling down with her in future doesn’t amuse you anymore.
Even after years of a relationship, if the thought of a commitment or marriage makes you uncomfortable just because you have to be with her all your life, then you need to start reassessinh. Needless to say, you should not have a phobia of commitment.

6. You do not find each other’s company fascinating.
If the two of you cannot laugh together, cannot have a fun time when you are out and about, cannot feel comfortable even when you have nothing to do, then the essence of your relationship has faded.

7. You cannot be yourself with her.
If you always become self-conscious in her presence and are afraid to be yourself when you are with her, it is a sham relationship. If your friends have often mentioned that your behaviour has changed, you will have to decide soon.
8. She doesn’t show interest in spending quality time with you, but shows more affection if you give materialistic favors.
She shows no interest in showing you some love, but she gets excited and affectionate just at the thought of you going shopping with her. When this happens, you have to get rid of the gold-digger.

9. Your sex life is either boring or a formality.
Oh! We are not talking about having wild and steamy sleep moments every time you are sexually involved. But you should be able to feel a spark of passion in your private moments.

10. You do not feel anything when you drop her home.
Maybe you’re way past that puppy love stage. But even when two people in love separate, they don’t like to say goodbye to each other. If you don’t feel that pang when she leaves, something is wrong.

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