Breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day. So to start the day, don’t forget to gobble it up and fill yourself with tremendous energy. It is also said that life is good when you have good bread and good wine and are surrounded by your loved ones.
To make your breakfast even tastier, let’s go on a tour of delicious delicacies from all over the world. Especially for you, we have put together ten different breakfasts from ten countries with the best breakfasts in the world.
Best Breakfasts In the World
1) Japan
Food is a tradition for the Japanese. They are not only strict about their food, but they also take table manners seriously. Typical Japanese breakfasts are cooked rice, miso soup, nori and grilled fish (usually salmon or mackerel).
2) Mexico
Mexican cuisine is world-famous for its aromas. Scrambled eggs, cheese together with green chilies, tortilla, and beans. Even tomatoes are used extensively during Mexican breakfast.

3) Russia
The Russians take their breakfast very seriously. It is the most important meal of the day for them and should therefore not be wasted. You can see “rye bread”, commonly known as “black bread”, in large quantities on their breakfast tables. Besides rye bread, “blini”, also known as Russian pancakes, are the staple food for them. However, Russians do not consume any kind of dessert, fruit, or fruit juices during breakfast.
4) England
The English breakfast is unbeatable. It’s as famous as their English high tea. The main ingredients of the English breakfast are bacon, eggs, toast, sausages, and baked beans. The English love to enjoy a healthy and nutritious breakfast with a sumptuous taste.
5) Spain
Spain is a country of tomatoes. Many tomatoes are used not only used in the Tomatina festival, but also in the preparation of breakfast. A typical Spanish breakfast consists of bread with a tomato paste, spread with some herbs.
6) Turkey
The Turkish breakfast is famous for the way it is served. Breakfast is a community event, and Turks are also very careful that food is a luxury and we should not waste it under any circumstances. If you go to a Turkish restaurant to have breakfast, you can see that the dishes are served in the form of a large plate so that they can easily be shared by a group. However, if you ordered bread for breakfast, it will be served separately. A traditional Turkish breakfast consists of sucuk: sausages perfectly prepared with red pepper and garlic, served in a pan with eggs.
7) Belgium
Maybe you might expect to see waffles as a typical Belgian breakfast. But contrary to popular belief, Belgians like to eat bread, cheese, and jam together with honey and chocolate sauce for breakfast.
8) France
The French are known to be fussy eaters. They also have a sweet tooth, and most of the dishes on their breakfast table are sugary. But there is one thing that any Frenchman would tell you: they do not eat desserts for breakfast. A French breakfast consists mainly of croissants, biscuits, bread, and jam, together with a hot chocolate or a cappuccino. This is why it is considered the best breakfast in the world. Bon appétit!
9) Germany
In contrast to the French and Italians, the Germans like to eat a hearty breakfast. Here you will find all kinds of bread rolls, ham, eggs, meat, cheese, fruit, and vegetables. They also love to have a healthy conversation while having a healthy breakfast.
10) Italy
For the Italians, bread is the staple food. Moreover, baking bread is not only a way for Italians to earn a living, but it is also considered to be an art and a passion. At breakfast, Italians do not worry about their calorie intake. To start the day, they like to have a fluffy croissant and a scalding cup of cappuccino for breakfast.
Those are just some of the succulent breakfasts available for you across the world. How many have you tried? Let us know in the comments and share your experiences with us.
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